Get the Year of the Dragon Activations


Explore Our Ascension Academy Offerings

No matter where you are in your journey, you can find the tools you need within The Sophia Code Movement to support your spiritual growth

All 8 Keycode Initiations - The Sophia Code

Downloadable MP3 Files | Please note: while this Keycode Initiation series is also recorded within the The Sophia Code Audiobook, these MP3 recordings provide much easier access for playing this content on multiple media player platforms.

The 8 Keycode Initiations Bundle

The Sophia Code Initiations Bundle Includes the following initiations:

SAVE 15% OFF when you buy the bundle

Listen to the Keycode Initiation on The Sophia Code® App | Please note: while this Keycode Initiation is also recorded within the The Sophia Code® Audiobook, this audio recording provides much easier access for playing since it is directly available on The Sophia Code® App.

the sophia code keycode initiations

activate your divine genome

In the Keycode 777 initiatory journey, you’ll activate the divine qualities of spiritual maturity with Sophia’s angelic order of Seraphim.


Activate your crown chakra in the White Buffalo Woman Initiation. In the Keycode 7 initiatory journey.


In the Keycode 6 Quan Yin Initiation journey: “Soothe Your Awakening with Self-Compassion”, you’ll meet radiant Quan Yin as an essential spiritual guide.


In the Keycode 5 initiatory journey: “Accessing Your Inner Angels of Self-Mastery” you’ll discover nine angelic attributes of your Higher Self.


Open the rose of your heart chakra in the Keycode 4 initiatory journey: “Destiny Is a Promise You Made to Yourself”.


In the Keycode 3 initiatory journey: “It Is Safe to Create Your Heaven on Earth” you will open your inner spiritual pathways for receiving information directly from the Source.


In the Keycode 2 initiatory journey you’ll be guided by Ascended Master Hathor as a radiant Divine Feminine mentor for discovering the unlimited abilities of your multidimensional self.


In the Keycode 1 initiatory journey, you’ll be guided by Ascended Master Isis to explore the radiance of your soul’s sovereign divine light.


Higher Self Activations Package

The Sophia Code Activations Package Includes the following 17 Higher Self Activations:

The Sophia Code Activations Package Includes all 17 Higher Self Activations.

SAVE 25% OFF when you buy the package

Please note that this activation is also found in the Stargate 2 curriculum
Through a transmission of clarity, Kaia Ra shares a powerful dissertation to fully unveil the true meaning of the word “Christ” and how we, as embodied lightworkers, can take back the power of this word and consciousness


Integrate all of your lifetimes from these powerful epochs in time
Clear soul contracts of matrix oppression and get soul retrievals that reclaim your energy and psychic gifts from past lives lived in the highly advanced, ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria & Egypt.


Courageously live in alignment with the truth of your Higher Self
Learn how to magnetize better opportunities, experiences, and relationships by courageously living in alignment with the truth of your Higher Self including practices to help you show up in the spotlight of your own life


Learn to listen to the voice of your own heart
In our channeled “Legacy of Love” Activations, meet Mother Mary as a radiant spiritual guide as she leads you to the answers of your divine purpose by teaching you to listen to your inner voice.


Take the next quantum leap in your sovereign spiritual leadership
Being in sacred ceremony within the light of Sophia Christ Consciousness offers potent Higher Self Activations and spiritual technology upgrades from our beloved Ascended Master mentors.


Reclaim Magdalene lineage codes that amplify your mission as a Lightworker
Step into your sovereignty with Kaia Ra and receive channeled messages and activations from Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Joan of Arc that will open your heart and empower your divine purpose.


Integrate the gifts and wisdom you’ve cultivated in previous Golden Ages
Travel with the Ascended Masters to receive activations in the Dragon Heart Temple of an enlightened civilization called Shamballah where The Sophia Dragons taught students in temples built upon cloudline mountain peaks.


Create new levels of prosperity consciousness
Step through the temple gates of your prosperity with these powerful Lion’s Gate Prosperity Activations: you are here to remember yourself as holy and pure, Daughter and Son of the Most High.


Travel to the Temple of Hathor to release limitations about your human potential and upgrade the spiritual technology of your body with Hathor’s Starseed Activations.


Strengthen your ability to successfully face uncertain times
In this powerful ceremony with Kaia Ra, the Order of Magdalena, and Saint Joan of Arc, you’ll feel your faith restored to confidently face these uncertain times.


A visionary experience to explore the divinity of your soul
Connect to the sacred heart of the Divine Mother to receive a profound transmission of Sophia’s grace and Divine Feminine Christ light blessing your body, heart, and mind.


Walk through the temple gates with Ascended Masters Isis, Mary Magdalene
Receive Activations on how to express healthy boundaries for unapologetically stepping into your sovereign power and fulfilling your purpose. You’ll reestablish trust in the grace and discernment of your Higher Self.


Restore, bless, and amplify your direct connection to the Source and your Higher Self in this beautiful ceremony that is filled with profound quantum healing from the Ascended Masters and Sophia.


Activate your Divine Purpose with The Sophia Dragons
Since ancient times, the dragon archetype is associated with awakening the master teacher within. The Sophia Dragons will open your heart to the unlimited nature of your soul’s creative power to effect great change.


Activate the angelic attributes of your divinity
Unfurl the spiritual technology of your Higher Self’s angel wings with Mary Magdalene as your spiritual guide. This beautiful activation invokes your soul’s light to expand beyond your heart chakra into the radiance of y


Heal from past life vows and addictions to suffering for your beliefs
In this landmark event in Sydney, Australia, Kaia Ra channels a teaching transmission on the correlation between Divine Feminine Christian & Buddhist Dakini principles as revealed in The Sophia Code.


Receive life changing Divine Feminine Activations from Mother Mary
Within Mother Mary’s guiding light, you will receive 13 sacred flame activations that empower you to recognize the worthiness of your gifts, talents, intelligence and creativity.


Activate your intuitive gifts and creative personal power
Join Kaia Ra in this powerful ceremony to release unconscious beliefs about the Divine Feminine within you and reclaim your intuitive creative power.


Riveting dragon magick of raw truth and real-life business insights
This electrifying training from The Sophia Dragons will accelerate your direct path to success with a sovereign paradigm approach for how to lead your clients and your community back to the power of their divinity. 


Walk through every chapter of The Sophia Code® with this essential training
Learn how to navigate accelerated personal growth through every chapter of The Sophia Code® book with Kaia Ra. This life changing mentor journey you’ll receive profound revelations for accepting your sovereign divinity.


Clarify your purpose, define your brand, improve your self-care practices
Discover the three Divine Feminine archetypes guiding your leadership from within: The Creatrix, The Healer, and The Teacher and learn how to take your professional offering to the next level.


The Psychic Development Training curriculum with Kaia Ra provides easily accessible psychic development techniques that help you access intuitive guidance from your eight major chakras.


This program offers an intuitive, holistic approach for healing from the wounds of your past. You’ll discover the radiant soul power within you for accessing your highest potential thr


Next level teachings on sovereignty for a global awakening​
Explore controversial topics that demand our attention in these pivotal times of oppression and expansion in sovereignty including next-level teachings on sovereignty and psychic attunement


Learn how to differentiate between the voices of your spiritual guides
This powerful community immersive teaches how your grief is “not a problem” as KR reveals a healing pathway of peaceful, intuitive empowerment for connecting with your transitioned loved ones on the other side.


Connect with the Magdalene Lineage
Empower your spiritual leadership and divine purpose with channeled teaching transmissions from Jesus, Joan of Arc, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene.


Face past fears about being seen in your leadership
This riveting 3-day immersive filmed live in Austin, TX provides life changing Fire Dragon teachings and “Step Up to the Mic” coaching sessions on how to own your power and professional offering as a Lightworker.


This beautiful Green Tara Meditation Card deepens your heart connection with the radiant presence of Green Tara. Illustrated by Kaia Ra, every detail reflects Green Tara’s teachings from The Sophia Code®.


Beautify your sacred space and set the intention for your meditation practice with the Divine Mother Prayer from page 3 of The Sophia Code®. This 2-sided gold embossed card is designed by Kaia Ra.


Join us For the Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective

Every 3rd Friday of the month at 1 pm PST

NEXT DATE: Friday May 17th, 2024

Our global prayer circle is easily accessed through live web streaming and phone using the Zoom platform. Monthly Broadcast Information, Links, and Phone Numbers are provided through email when you subscribe to The Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective list.

 Monthly Broadcast Information, Links, and Phone Numbers are provided through email when you subscribe to The Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective list.

Thank you, Angel!

You will receive an email 2 days before our next Prayer Call with your Zoom link to join us live.

Bonus! You can access the last 4 months of the Prayer Collective video replays inside The Sophia Code® App when you open a FREE app membership!

Download The Sophia Code App and Start Connecting Now